Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

Current position

Regulations for the implementation of the Law of Cultural Relics Protection

Implementing Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics


Chapter I General provisions


Article 1 These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics (hereinafter referred to as the Law of Cultural Relics)。


第二条 国家重点文物保护专项补助经费和地方文物保护专项经费,由县级以上人民政府文物行政主管部门、投资主管部门、财政部门按照国家有关规定共同实施管理。No unit or individual may seize or misappropriate it。


Article 3 The institutional income of state-owned museums, memorial halls and cultural relics protection units shall be used for the following purposes:
(1) storage, display, restoration and collection of cultural relics;
(2) repair and construction of state-owned museums, memorial halls and cultural relics protection units;
(3) safety precautions for cultural relics;
(4) archaeological investigation, exploration and excavation;
(5) Scientific research, publicity and education on the protection of cultural relics。


第四条 文物行政主管部门和教育、科技、新闻出版、广播电视行政主管部门,应当做好文物保护的宣传教育工作。


第五条 国务院文物行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门,应当制定文物保护的科学技术研究规划,采取有效措施,促进文物保护科技成果的推广和应用,提高文物保护的科学技术水平。


第六条 有Cultural relics protection law第十二条所列事迹之一的单位或者个人,由人民政府及其文物行政主管部门、有关部门给予精神鼓励或者物质奖励。


Chapter II Immovable Cultural Relics


Article 7 Famous historical and cultural cities shall be submitted to The State Council for approval and publication by the competent administrative department for construction under The State Council in conjunction with the competent administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council。




第八条 全国重点文物保护单位和省级文物保护单位自核定公布之日起1年内,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府划定必要的保护范围,作出标志说明,建立记录档案,设置专门机构或者指定专人负责管理。



Article 9 The scope of protection of a cultural relic protection unit refers to the area under special protection for the body of the cultural relic protection unit and a certain area around it。



第十条 文物保护单位的标志说明,应当包括文物保护单位的级别、名称、公布机关、公布日期、立标机关、立标日期等内容。Signs and descriptions of cultural relics protection units in national autonomous areas shall be written in both standardized Chinese characters and the local languages of the minority nationalities commonly used。


第十一条 文物保护单位的记录档案,应当包括文物保护单位本体记录等科学技术资料和有关文献记载、行政管理等内容。



第十二条 古文化遗址、古墓葬、石窟寺和属于国家所有的纪念建筑物、古建筑,被核定公布为文物保护单位的,由县级以上地方人民政府设置专门机构或者指定机构负责管理。其他文物保护单位,由县级以上地方人民政府设置专门机构或者指定机构、专人负责管理;指定专人负责管理的,可以采取聘请文物保护员的形式。

文物保护单位有使用单位的,使用单位应当设立群众性文物保护组织;没有使用单位的,文物保护单位所在地的村民委员会或者居民委员会可以设立群众性文物保护组织。The competent administrative departments for cultural relics shall give guidance and support to the activities of mass organizations for the protection of cultural relics。



第十三条 文物保护单位的建设控制地带,是指在文物保护单位的保护范围外,为保护文物保护单位的安全、环境、历史风貌对建设项目加以限制的区域。



第十四条 全国重点文物保护单位的建设控制地带,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的文物行政主管部门会同城乡规划行政主管部门划定并公布。   省级、设区的市、自治州级和县级文物保护单位的建设控制地带,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,由核定公布该文物保护单位的人民政府的文物行政主管部门会同城乡规划行政主管部门划定并公布。


第十五条 承担文物保护单位的修缮、迁移、重建工程的单位,应当同时取得文物行政主管部门发给的相应等级的文物保护工程资质证书和建设行政主管部门发给的相应等级的资质证书。其中,不涉及建筑活动的文物保护单位的修缮、迁移、重建,应当由取得文物行政主管部门发给的相应等级的文物保护工程资质证书的单位承担。


Article 16 To apply for a qualification certificate for a cultural relics protection project, the following conditions shall be met:
(1) persons who have obtained professional and technical positions in cultural relics and natural museums;
(2) having the technical equipment necessary for undertaking cultural relics protection projects;
(3) Other conditions provided for by laws and administrative regulations。


第十七条 申领文物保护工程资质证书,应当向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门或者国务院文物行政主管部门提出申请。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门或者The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval。决定批准的,发给相应等级的文物保护工程资质证书;决定不批准的,应当书面通知当事人并说明理由。The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall formulate the grading standards and the examination and approval measures for the qualification levels of cultural relics protection projects。


第十八条 文物行政主管部门在审批文物保护单位的修缮计划和工程设计方案前,应当征求上一级人民政府文物行政主管部门的意见。


第十九条 危害全国重点文物保护单位安全或者破坏其历史风貌的建筑物、构筑物,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责调查处理。




Chapter Three: Archaeological excavation


Article 20 A unit that applies for engaging in archaeological excavations to obtain a qualification certificate for archaeological excavations shall meet the following requirements:
(1) There are more than 4 persons who have obtained the qualification of leading archaeological excavations;
(2) persons who have obtained professional and technical positions in cultural relics and natural museums;
(3) having professional personnel engaged in the security and protection of cultural relics;
(4) having the necessary technical equipment for conducting archaeological excavations;
(5) Facilities and places to ensure the safety of cultural relics;
(6) Other conditions provided for by laws and administrative regulations。


Article 21 An application for a qualification certificate for archaeological excavations shall be submitted to the competent department of cultural relics administration under The State Council。The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval。If approval is decided, certificates of qualification for archaeological excavation shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。


Article 22 The leader responsible system shall be implemented for archaeological excavation projects。Persons acting as leaders shall obtain certificates of qualification for leading archaeological excavations issued by the department of cultural relics administration under The State Council in accordance with relevant state regulations。


第二十三条 配合建设工程进行的考古调查、勘探、发掘,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门组织实施。Archaeological investigations, exploration and excavations within the scope of construction projects across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government,The construction project shall be jointly organized and implemented by the competent department of cultural relics administration of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central Government where the project is located;among,Archaeological investigation, exploration and excavation within the scope of particularly important construction projects,The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall organize the implementation。



第二十四条 国务院文物行政主管部门应当自收到Cultural relics protection law第三十条第一款规定的发掘计划之日起30个工作日内作出批准或者不批准决定。If approval is decided, approval documents shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。
Cultural relics protection law第三十条第二款规定的抢救性发掘,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门应当自开工之日起10个工作日内向国务院文物行政主管部门补办审批手续。


Article 25 The scope and standard of funds required for archaeological investigations, exploration and excavations shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State。


第二十六条 从事考古发掘的单位应当在考古发掘完成之日起30个工作日内向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门和国务院文物行政主管部门提交结项报告,并于提交结项报告之日起3年内向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门和国务院文物行政主管部门提交考古发掘报告。


Article 27 After an archaeological excavation unit has submitted an archaeological excavation report,Approved by the competent department of cultural relics administration of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the competent department of cultural relics administration under The State Council in accordance with their respective functions and powers,A small number of unearthed cultural relics can be retained as scientific research specimens,并应当于提交发掘报告之日起6个月内将其他出土文物移交给由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门或者国务院文物行政主管部门指定的国有的博物馆、图书馆或者其他国有文物收藏单位收藏。


Chapter IV Cultural relics collected


第二十八条 文物收藏单位应当建立馆藏文物的接收、鉴定、登记、编目和档案制度,库房管理制度,出入库、注销和统计制度,保养、修复和复制制度。


Article 29 The administrative departments for cultural relics of the people's governments at the county level shall file the cultural relics in their respective administrative areas,按照行政隶属关系报设区的市、自治州级人民政府文物行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门备案;设区的市、自治州级人民政府文物行政主管部门应当将本行政区域内的馆藏文物档案,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门备案;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门应当将本行政区域内的一级文物藏品档案,Report to the administrative department of cultural relics under The State Council for the record。


第三十条 文物收藏单位之间借用馆藏文物,借用人应当对借用的馆藏文物采取必要的保护措施,确保文物的安全。

Unless otherwise agreed by the parties concerned, the risk of loss or damage of the borrowed cultural relics shall be borne by the cultural relics collection unit borrowing the borrowed cultural relics。


第三十一条 国有文物收藏单位未依照Cultural relics protection law第三十六条的规定建立馆藏文物档案并将馆藏文物档案报主管的文物行政主管部门备案的,不得交换、借用馆藏文物。


Article 32 Repairing, reproducing or rubbing second-class cultural relics and third-class cultural relics in the collection,It shall be submitted to the administrative department of cultural relics of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval;Repairing, reproducing or rubbing first-class cultural relics in the collection,It shall be examined by the administrative department for cultural relics of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and then submitted to the administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council for approval。


Article 33 Units engaged in the restoration, reproduction and rubbing of cultural relics in their collections shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Personnel who have obtained intermediate or above professional and technical positions in cultural relics and natural history;

(2) having places and technical equipment necessary for the restoration, reproduction and rubbing of cultural relics in the collection;

(3) Other conditions provided for by laws and administrative regulations。


第三十四条 从事馆藏文物修复、复制、拓印,应当向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门提出申请。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门应当自收到申请之日起30个工作日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。If the decision is approved, a qualification certificate of the corresponding level shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。


Article 35: Photographing second-class cultural relics and third-class cultural relics in the collection for the production of publications, audio-visual products, etc,It shall be submitted to the administrative department of cultural relics of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval;Photographing first-class cultural relics in the collection,It shall be examined by the administrative department for cultural relics of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and then submitted to the administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council for approval。


Article 36 Cultural relics in the collection are stolen, robbed or lost,Units collecting cultural relics shall immediately report to the public security organ,并同时向主管的文物行政主管部门报告;主管的文物行政主管部门应当在接到文物收藏单位的报告后24小时内,The relevant situation will be reported to the department of cultural relics administration under The State Council。


Article 37 State organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions that collect and keep state-owned cultural relics shall fulfill the following obligations:
(2) Establish and improve management systems for the maintenance and restoration of cultural relics to ensure the safety of cultural relics;


Chapter V Cultural relics collected by the people


第三十八条 文物收藏单位以外的公民、法人和其他组织,可以依法收藏文物,其依法收藏的文物的所有权受法律保护。



Article 39 To establish a cultural relics shop, the following conditions shall be met:
(1) having a registered capital of RMB 2 million or more;
(2) There are more than 5 personnel who have obtained intermediate or above professional and technical positions in cultural relics and museums;
(3) having places, facilities and technical conditions for the safekeeping of cultural relics;
(4) Other conditions provided for by laws and administrative regulations。


第四十条 设立文物商店,应当依照国务院文物行政主管部门的规定向省、自治区、直辖市以上人民政府文物行政主管部门提出申请。省、自治区、直辖市以上人民政府文物行政主管部门应当自收到申请之日起30个工作日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。If approval is decided, approval documents shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。


第四十一条 依法设立的拍卖企业,从事文物拍卖经营活动的,应当有5名以上取得高级文物博物专业技术职务的文物拍卖专业人员,并取得国务院文物行政主管部门发给的文物拍卖许可证。


Article 42 An auction enterprise established according to law shall apply to the competent department of cultural relics administration under The State Council for an auction license for cultural relics。The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval。If approval is decided, a license for auction of cultural relics shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。


Article 43 Cultural relics shops purchase and sell cultural relics,Auction enterprises engaged in the auction of cultural relics auction cultural relics,应当记录文物的名称、图录、来源、文物的出卖人、委托人和买受人的姓名或者名称、住所、有效身份证件号码或者有效证照号码以及成交价格,And report to the administrative department of cultural relics that approves the sale and auction of cultural relics for the record。The administrative department of cultural relics accepting the record shall keep it confidential according to law and keep the record for 75 years。The competent administrative department for cultural relics shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of cultural relics shops and auction enterprises engaged in cultural relics auction。


Chapter VI Exit and Entry of Cultural Relics


第四十四条 国务院文物行政主管部门指定的文物进出境审核机构,应当有5名以上专职文物进出境责任鉴定员。专职文物进出境责任鉴定员应当取得中级以上文物博物专业技术职务并经国务院文物行政主管部门考核合格。


Article 45 The transportation, mailing or carrying of cultural relics out of China shall be reported to the entry and exit examination institutions for cultural relics for examination and approval in accordance with law before the cultural relics leave the country。The examination and approval institution for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall, within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on whether to allow exit。   文物进出境审核机构审核文物,应当有3名以上文物博物专业技术人员参加;其中,应当有2名以上文物进出境责任鉴定员。


The examination standards for the exit of cultural relics shall be formulated by the administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council。


第四十六条 文物进出境审核机构应当对所审核进出境文物的名称、质地、尺寸、级别,当事人的姓名或者名称、住所、有效身份证件号码或者有效证照号码,以及进出境口岸、文物去向和审核日期等内容进行登记。


第四十七条 经审核允许出境的文物,由国务院文物行政主管部门发给文物出境许可证,并由文物进出境审核机构标明文物出境标识。Cultural relics that are allowed to leave the country after examination and verification shall leave the country at ports designated by the administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council。The Customs shall, after checking the exit marks of cultural relics, release them with exit permits。

Cultural relics that are not allowed to leave the country after examination and verification shall be returned to the party concerned by the examination institution for the entry and exit of cultural relics。


第四十八条 文物出境展览的承办单位,应当在举办展览前6个月向国务院文物行政主管部门提出申请。The administrative department for cultural relics under The State Council shall, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval。If approval is decided, approval documents shall be issued;If the decision is not approved, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be given。



Article 49 Isolated and fragile items of first-class cultural relics shall not be allowed to leave the country for exhibition。The catalogue of cultural relics prohibited from being exhibited abroad shall be published regularly by the department of cultural relics administration under The State Council。Cultural relics that have not been officially exhibited in China may not be exhibited abroad。


Article 50 The duration of exit exhibitions of cultural relics shall not exceed one year。Due to special needs, it may be extended with the approval of the original examination and approval authority;However, the extension may not exceed one year。


第五十一条 文物出境展览期间,出现可能危及展览文物安全情形的,原审批机关可以决定中止或者撤销展览。


Article 52 Cultural relics temporarily entered into the territory shall, after being sealed by the Customs, be submitted to the parties concerned for examination and registration by the entry and exit examination institutions for cultural relics。文物进出境审核机构查验海关封志完好无损后,对每件临时进境文物标明文物临时进境标识,并登记拍照。


Where cultural relics temporarily entered into the territory without fulfilling the formalities prescribed in paragraph 1 of this Article are re-exited, the provisions on the exportation of cultural relics in this Chapter shall apply。


第五十三条 任何单位或者个人不得擅自剥除、更换、挪用或者损毁文物出境标识、文物临时进境标识。


Chapter VII Legal liability


Article 54 Public security organs, industrial and commercial administration, cultural relics, customs, urban and rural planning, construction and other relevant departments and their staff,Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance,Abusing the authority of examination and approval, failing to perform duties, or failing to investigate and handle illegal acts found,The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。


Article 55 Violation of the provisions of these Regulations,Has not obtained the corresponding level of cultural relics protection project qualification certificate,Undertaking, without authorization, the renovation, relocation or reconstruction projects of cultural relics protection units,The administrative department for cultural relics shall order rectification within a time limit;Overdue correction,Or cause serious consequences,Imposing a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。
Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance,未取得建设行政主管部门发给的相应等级的资质证书,擅自承担含有建筑活动的文物保护单位的修缮、迁移、重建工程的,由建设行政主管部门依照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚。


Article 56 Violation of the provisions of these Regulations,No qualification certificate has been obtained,Engaging in the restoration, reproduction or rubbing of cultural relics in the collection without authorization,由文物行政主管部门责令停止违法活动;没收违法所得和从事违法活动的专用工具、设备;造成严重后果的,A fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan shall also be imposed;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。


Article 57 The amount of the fine prescribed in Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Law on Cultural Relics shall not exceed 200 yuan。


Article 58 Violation of the provisions of these Regulations,Repairing, reproducing, rubbing or photographing precious cultural relics in the collection without approval,The administrative department for cultural relics shall give a warning;Causing serious consequences,Imposing a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan;The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。


Article 59 An archaeological excavation unit violates the provisions of these Regulations,Failing to submit an item closing report or an archaeological excavation report within the prescribed time limit,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门或者国务院文物行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。


Article 60 An archaeological excavation unit violates the provisions of these Regulations,Failing to hand over the cultural relics within the prescribed time limit,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政主管部门或者国务院文物行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正,Or cause serious consequences,The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。


第六十一条 Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance,文物出境展览超过展览期限的,由国务院文物行政主管部门责令限期改正;The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。


第六十二条 依照Cultural relics protection law第六十六条、第七十三条的规定,单位被处以吊销许可证行政处罚的,应当依法到工商行政管理部门办理变更登记或者注销登记;逾期未办理的,由工商行政管理部门吊销营业执照。


第六十三条 Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance,改变国有的博物馆、纪念馆、文物保护单位等的事业性收入的用途的,The persons in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。


Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions


Article 64 These Regulations shall come into force as of July 1, 2003。

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